Call for papers for a special issue of Curationis

Call for papers for a special issue of Curationis on Contemporary issues in Nursing

Draft manuscript submissions emailed: 05 December 2017 to both Khorotho Elias Setlago ( and Mavis Mulaudzi ( 

DENOSA will review all drafts with the assistance of the Editorial Board, and selected authors will be invited to the workshops on the 15-18 January 2018. Participants must pay the registration fee of R2000 on or before the 5th December 2017. 

Submissions deadline via the electronic platform: 15 February 2018

Approximate publication date: August 2018

Guest editors: Mokgadi Matlakala and Lize Maree

Nursing is a dynamic profession, and the past decade has witnessed many changes in the nursing profession in South Africa and beyond. Most of these changes are related to advances in nursing education, nursing practice, nursing research, and leadership. 

This special issue of Curationis addresses contemporary issues in the nursing profession, such as the role of nurses in achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals, innovative methods in teaching and learning, policy issues such as National Health Insurance, primary healthcare re-engineering, new nursing curriculum, innovative research designs and methods, use of social media and innovative technologies in health care, women's health, human rights and ethics, and others related to new advances in the nursing profession. 

Curationis provides a forum for cutting-edge theories and research models related to the exploration of issues experienced and the best practices of nurses and midwives, so as to improve nursing education, nursing administration, and community nursing within Africa. 

The journal now invites research contributions covering advances in nursing, submitted in English (full article), on contemporary issues during this critical time for nursing. Since we are now near the end of the current nursing strategic plan and the current nursing qualifications being offered, information that is shared will be new and contemporary. 

It is expected that most of the papers will contain cutting-edge research which will improve their focus area, and assist policy makers with new evidence that will assist them to improve policies or compile new ones where necessary.

We are looking forward to receiving your contributions.